Sunday, March 29, 2009

Why I love Radiohead so much

Here is a little excerpt from my journal about Radiohead for those of you who will not be witnessing my speech on Thursday. If you are, you can still read this if you want or you can wait :)

“It’s Radiohead time again! Radiohead dreams. Radiohead skies. Radiohead sidewalks. Radiohead waters and eyes. When its Radiohead time, its like seeing an ominous wall cloud with a tornado forming. So much anticipation of how what you see before you will change you or affect you. Radiohead is needed in my life. Radiohead is my protector. It lets me be what I am, no matter what it is. nothing is too weird.

Radiohead helps me remember that, though I may feel like an alien, I am not the only one. Radiohead is the sound of what it would be like if everyone wished they could feel like they were aliens. The greatness of being so different and knowing. The beauty that is built from being cast off. Radiohead says, its ok. Be that. In fact, it’s the awesomest thing anyone could ever do.

And that you will not always succeed either. You will not always get it perfect. People will not always understand you. But if you give it your all, people will notice you and respect you for dishing out something no one ever expected. And if you allow yourself to shine, you are the brightest star of your kind. Let go and be whatever the weft of the world weaves you into. You hold a unique vivid light that no one else can possibly comprehend how to create. You can be just what the people need to get into that crevice they have been searching for.

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