Monday, October 12, 2009

Oddly enough.... the weird dreams continue.

This is strange. This was the worst dream I have had in a long time. But it reminds me of the Marisa Tomei dream. I wonder what is going on in my head???

This dream was seriously terrifying.

I was up on some balcony hanging out with my mom. It was cold and kinda foggy, just like in the Marisa Tomei dream. We were eating some kind of snack chatting about stuff. In my dream, this was our everyday thing that we did all the time. I suppose I had just gotten a brand new Guess watch to go with the new Guess coat I got (in real life I really did get a new Guess coat but not a watch), when suddenly, I got all paralyzed. I couldn't talk or move. I couldn't really think either. I wanted to tell my mom that I was feeling weird, but I couldn't. I didn't panic, instead I felt like I was just thinking and moving much slower. My mom was saying something and I wasn't responding, but she was not concerned. She must have thought I was just being my strange self, or staring into space or something. After a minute or so I was able to finally say really slowly, "I think something is wrong with me..." She then walked all casually over to the balcony railing and confidently said, "Nothing is wrong with you..." I knew she was going to start saying something about her own personal philosophy about why I think something is wrong with me and she hopped up to sit on the edge of the railing. I knew then that she was going to fall. And she did. She fell about 3 stories and I heard her screaming. I saw her crash onto the sidewalk and she was still screaming and crying. I started getting hysterical and knew I didn't have my cell phone on me to call 911. I started running down the stairs to her, but I knew I would need a phone. I grabbed her purse and figured I'd use her phone. I ran all the way down so so so fast, screaming "NO! NO! MOMMY!!" She was laying on the sidewalk, I could see that she couldn't breathe. I dug through her phone and told her I was going to call 911, but I didn't see her phone in her purse. I told her I was going to go get the phone in the house, but she just looked at me, not breathing, and hugged me. I said "No no no my mommy-mom no! I love you!"

That was it. It reminded me of how I was unable to save Marisa Tomei in that dream before.

This is the saddest dream ever.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that was scary. I hope that you can get to the bottom and the meanings of these dreams that you are having. I also hope that this is teaching you to be close to your love ones and dont let grudges stay gurdges for long.
