Thursday, September 24, 2009

Strange dream

I had a very odd dream last night. It was actually a series of dreams. In the first part, I had some kind of date with my dad. He was going to take me to this really awesome restaurant, which my grandma also recommended after talking with her in the dream. Then Dad and I were going to some kind of show. This is weird because my dad and I never do this sort of thing. EVER! I was really excited about it and I was kind of acting like a little kid about it. I got all dressed up. When he arrived I said, “Daddy!” He was wearing a really really REALLY weird outfit. Jeans, AND a JEAN SKIRT, AND some kind of white dress that was kind of manly, but had some sort of macramé or crocheted fringe, and a black sweatshirt over it. I looked at his outfit and thought, because of the white dress part, that my dad is becoming closer to God. (weird) And also that he must be considering this a special occasion. He wasn’t dressed like a woman, it just came off to me as some - maybe traditional or somehow cultural - masculine formal garb. Either way, it was all very unlike my dad. So we left and drove in the car down the highway. I looked out the car and in the lane coming the opposite direction, I saw a green SUV (that looked a lot like our old family SUV from when I was younger) lose control and flip over upside-down. I said, “WOW! Did you see that?!” Dad didn’t seem surprised or impressed. At some point, we got out of the car and started walking down the highway with a bunch of other people. I guess this was just the way to the restaurant. On the way, some blond young guy was asking people for a light for a cigarette. He was being rather rude about it, and the guys in front of us ignored him. My dad handed him a lighter, but the guy shook his head and ordered him to light it for him. He did, and I said to the guy, “No please?” The guys in front said, “Yeah really, no please or thank you, nothing!” We then walked through an underpass where there were a bunch of African American street vendors. Most of them were selling jewelry, with their sets sprawled out on a towel on the ground. One girl, whose set was off to the side, was crying an spewing apologies to what appeared to be a dead body laying in front of her. I was startled and thought her friend had just died and she needed help. But I realized it was only a doll, not a dead body, and I thought the doll must represent a friend of hers that died some time ago, and she was sorry to her that she wasn’t able to sell any of their jewelry. There were 2 other girls with a set more up front, more accessible to the herd of people walking. I thought, now that is where that crying girl should move her set. But then I wondered if any of them ever sell anything at all.

Weird! I am, for once, kind of unsure what it means! Any thoughts?

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