Isn't there an answer? Right there in front of my nose? Didn't I always say there was? I am blindfolded, flailing my arms in front of me for it. It's there. I know it is. I probably am already grabbing onto it, I just don't know. It seems like I have thrown too many options into the pot. I already had it but I just want to keep denying it. And I still don't even know it.
Vague, huh? I know, right?
I feel like I should be able to grab onto something and it will shoot me directly into the sky.
There it is.
I don't want to go at the expense of rejection. More accurately, at the risk of rejection.
The word "that" puts a detachment onto everything. I am not sure if I can ever know why or how the nervous system works through electrical impulses and chemical messages, I just know "that" it does. You can explain to me everything surrounding that phoenomenon, but I will never fully understand because some things just simply are.
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